
Swimming pools can be a haven on a hot day as well as a necessity for a condominium, hotels, motels and apartments. However, the challenge lies in keeping them clean and in good condition.

Stolles Best of Pool Service is a professional pool repair and cleaning company that takes care of dirty and broken swimming pool in Van Nuys, California. Keeping a dirty, and unsightly pool should not be your cause of worry because we are here to take care of business.

If you have a pool that requires attention, please do not hesitate to look for an affordable swimming pool contractor like us to restore the pride of your home or hotel. Moreover, you need to comply with your local government health standards, which require that your pool be safe and clean. A pool which does not meet the safety standards will not only cost you money, but could also lead you to lose customers.
We are proud to provide world-class pool cleaning, repair and maintenance services to our customers who need the services.

Pool Cleaning
We provide a full cheap pool cleaning service on a weekly basis. We use environmentally safe cleaning detergents and modern pool cleaning tools to clean your pool and restore its good look. Whether you want to remove dirt or filter objects from the pool, we can do it at a cheap cost.

Pool Repair
We also provide pool repair services such as repairing pool pumps, pool motor repair, pool light repair, pool filters, automatic pool cleaners, pool vacuums and so on. Is you are looking for a new local swimming pool supply, please get in touch with us for a free, no obligation quote. Speak to us about your particular needs and we will see what we can do.

Pool Maintenance
They say that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, pool maintenance should be given a priority if you want your pool to serve you for many years to come. Pool maintenance is about maintaining the right chemical balance periodic removal of objects and using the facility appropriately.